Star wars the old republic wiki classes
Star wars the old republic wiki classes

star wars the old republic wiki classes

They are masters of subterfuge, feared by even the most terrible opponents.Ī thorough professional, the Bounty Hunter trains mind and body for every possible job. Sith Assassins leap from the shadows, channeling Force Lightning through their double-bladed Lightsabers to disable and drain their enemies. The Sith Sorcerer draws energy from the forbidden depths of the Force, mastering techniques that sap and drain enemies as they invigorate allies-or simply wreak utter devastation. A master of Force Lightning and arcane secrets, the Inquisitor can hold one enemy in the air and stun another all the while attacking with Lightsaber moves designed for maximum pain. Where a Sith Warrior is rage, a Sith Inquisitor is cunning. Never hestitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain in the galaxy.Ī stalwart defender of the Sith Empire, the Juggernaut embodies the teachings of Marka Ragnos, charging into enemies with heavy armor and pure rage. If dual-wielded lightsabers can't finish the job, there is always Force Choke to bring an opponent to his knees.Įntrusted with the task of destroying the Empire's enemies, the dual-wielding Sith Marauder embodies the teachings of Naga Sadow. Born for battle, few opponents can withstand the rage-fueled blows from a Warrior's Lightsaber or penetrate a Warrior's armor. No one inspires more fear than a Sith Warrior. Unstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards are the first and best line of defense in the Republic military. Trained in advanced assault tactics and weaponry, Commandos charge into battle with massive assault cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Outfitted with advanced armor, huge weaponry and the best trailing possible, Troopers combine leadership with suppression fire, a variety of explosives and incendiary weapons.

star wars the old republic wiki classes

In addition to a trusty blaster, Scoundrels pack a stealth belt, a Scattergun and a medpac-everything they need to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive.Īcross the galaxy, the Republic's elite Special Forces drop into the harshest conflicts ready to do maximum damage.

star wars the old republic wiki classes

#Star wars the old republic wiki classes how to#

Master of the trick shot and willing to take advantage of every opportunity, the Gunslinger learns how to fire two Blasters at once, specializing in long-range combat. They dress for ease of movement-with a healthy dose of style-care one or dual Blasters and are always ready to shoot first, stealth up and sneak after. Living life by their own rules, Smugglers are the galaxy's most unpredictable characters. Wielding double-bladed Lightsabers, Jedi Shadows embrace the synergy between melee and Force combat, enabling them to strike down enemies of the order with deadly efficiency. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the insight of the past with raw power to change the flow of galactic events. Jedi Sages are famed for their wisdom as much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills. The Force can be used to cloud the minds of the weak, restore strength to the fallen and hurl both opponents and objects through the air. If circumstances warrant, the Defender is engineered with high-powered shields and twin turbo lasers to engage the enemy.A master of the secrets of the Force, the Jedi Consular is both fighter and healer, teacher and student. Despite the Jedi Order’s commitment to peace, the ship is battle-ready. The Defender’s lower level includes a cargo hold, a medical bay, and a small private space in which the Jedi can retreat for meditation. The conference room contains a unique Holocom system for secure communications with the Jedi Council. The formal upper level features diplomatic meeting rooms and an elegant conference room at the ship’s center. The Defender’s exterior design is based on the consumer model corvette, but it has been outfitted with countless customized upgrades. The Jedi Council commissioned the starship after determining that Republic military vessels were not well-suited to the Jedi’s more specialized missions. Developed at the height of the Great War, the Defender was custom-built for the Jedi Order.

Star wars the old republic wiki classes